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Dan Goldhaber Featured on NPR Education Segment in Morning Edition

Posted: 7/11/2024 (CSDE Research)

CSDE Affiliate Dan Goldhaber’s research was included in a recent NPR Morning Edition, “Congress poured billions of dollars into schools. Did it help students learn?” and his interview was featured during the radio segment as well. During the pandemic, $190 million in federal emergency funding went towards U.S. schools, but what was the money used towards and how did it help? The hosts of the show use Dr. Goldhaber’s study and one other study to discuss how this funding truly impacted the school districts. Dr. Goldhaber’s study includes findings on how this funding showed improvement in test scores, as well as what else is needed regarding funding to see improvement in academic performance. Dr. Goldhaber and his research is also featured in The New York Times, Schools Got a Record $190 Billion in Pandemic Aid. Did It Work?, The Washington Post, To fix post-pandemic learning loss, we need an education moonshot, and more.
